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Powered by the exclusive Mediator® Phosphatidic Acid


Because of the important role it plays in muscle protein synthesis, phosphatidic acid is becoming increasingly popular as a dietary supplement.  As a result, several human trials have showcased the effects of PA supplementation over the course of a resistance training program.  

  • Proven to Increase Lean Body Mass, Muscle Thickness and Strength*
  • Reduces Muscle Damage and Enhances Recovery*
  • Supports Natural Growth*


Double Your Muscle Gains
Published, unadulterated research has shown that the exact dose of phosphatidic acid in mTOR Phosphatidic Acid can help you build twice as much muscle as you could if you simply trained! 


In a recent study conducted by Dr. Jacob Wilson and his research team at The University of Tampa on 28 resistance-trained subjects, those who trained hard 3 times a week and took the half the dose of phosphatidic acid found in mTOR Phosphatidic Acid for 8 weeks actually doubled the amount of muscle they gained compared to subjects following the same training protocol, but who were only taking a placebo. This 8-week clinical study was published in Nutrition & Metabolism.


Phosphatidic acid in mTOR is one of the most sought after muscle enhancers in the world because it has been shown in multiple human clinical studies to increase muscle growth without steroids, drugs, hormones, or side-effects. mTOR is formulated from phosphatidic acid, a groundbreaking plant nutrient recently uncovered inside the intricate structures of plant biology. Phosphatidic acid activates the mTOR pathway, which then boosts muscle protein synthesis. If you want to see results faster without risking steroids or hormones then make sure you get mTOR.

Titan mTOR – Advanced Phosphatidic Acid Formula



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    DSL Fitness, LLC dba Max Nutrition Bend


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    Suite A

    Bend, Oregon 97702


    PH: 541-749-1000


    * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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